I was really sad to see an article in the NYTs today where Floyd Landis admits to doping during his cycling career. He has also claimed that Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie, among other of his cycling teammates (such as Tyler Hamilton who tested positive for blood doping in 2004), also doped, etc.
I find the allegation against Armstrong a bit hard to believe since he is considered one of the most drug tested athletes on the planet. I openly admit to crying when he won his 7th Tour.
On the flip side, other than cycling and swimming, I stopped caring about professional sports a while ago. Too many overpaid, crybaby, rapists for my taste. Now so much of it is simply about greed.
This is why I like community cycling including the bicycle as alternative transportation. This is about the personal, humble-yet-effective, methods for countering the greed, speed, waste, and often pointlessness of modern life (where people drive to the gym!). This form of cycling does not require that I wear someone else's name on my jersey and pay $80 for the privilege of doing so.
I am sorry to hear all this from Landis (if it is true) but it only reconfirms my commitment to local, grassroots efforts to increase the real freedom of people and move away the false idols of this world.
He is a huge disappointment...when it all happened I so badly wanted him to be innocent, then watched him spend millions on his defense but it became apparent he was a fraud. Now, he finally comes clean but has to try to drag others down. Immature and unforgivable behavior. If the others are guilty, it will eventually surface but he needs to just clean up his act and let others do the same. I agree with you, if Lance is guilty then he is far ahead of the tests because they test that guy all the time. I choose to believe Lance is smarter than other rider but not with drugs...with training. He has incredible work ethic and of course is a gifted individual. Except for cycling I don't follow pros either, can't stand them actually.
ReplyDeleteHey P! Yeah, I was bummed about this news with Landis---boy is he ever trying to drag down everyone else with him. Sour grapes but what did he think would happen?