Today I fell off my bike---the first time in several years and the first time in Columbia. It was really stupid. I had just come from Ellis library with a pannier on my right side filled with books. That was the side that I had my foot slipped into my Power Grip strap. I had to stop (right in front of Noodles) and wait to get around a truck and when I went to mount and ride off, the bike started to lean to the right due to the weight of the books and I could not get my foot out of the strap for love or money and down I went. I hurt my right elbow and knee but got out of the way of traffic. It is always weird how it is like slow motion when you realize you are going down. Yuck.
The guy right behind did not stop but the next car stopped and asked me if I was OK. I said fine but I was shaking a little. So embarrassing---not even a real wreck but a stupid one.
Ah well---now I've inaugurated COMO! :-D
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